Course curriculum

  • 1

    Instructions for this course

    • Course Introduction

  • 2

    Welcome to the Business Case Builder Program!

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...

  • 3

    Let's get started!

    • Guidelines - Start Here

  • 4

    Section 1 - Executive Summary

    • Purpose of an Executive Summary

    • Description

    • Checklist for Executive Summary

  • 5

    Section 2 - Background

    • Purpose of the Background Section

    • Problem / Opportunity

    • Current Situation

  • 6

    Section 3 - Project Description

    • Purpose of the Project Description Section

    • Project Description

    • Objectives

    • Scope

    • Out of Scope

    • Anticipated Outcomes

    • Stakeholders

    • Checklist for Project Description Section

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    Section 4 - Strategic Alignment

    • Purpose of the Strategic Alignment Section

    • Description

    • Checklist for Strategic Alignment

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    Section 5 - Environmental Analysis

    • Purpose of the Environmental Analysis Section

    • Description

    • Checklist for Environmental Analysis

  • 9

    Section 6 - Alternatives

    • Purpose of the Alternatives Section

    • Description

    • Checklist for Alternatives

  • 10

    Section 7 - Business & Operational Impacts

    • Purpose of the Business & Operational Impacts Section

    • Description

    • Checklist for Business & Operational Impacts

  • 11

    Section 8 - Project Risk Assessment

    • Purpose of the Project Risk Assessment Section

    • Risk of Project and each Viable Alternative (Not including Status Quo)

    • Risk of Not Proceeding with Project (Status Quo)

    • Checklist for Project Risk Assessment

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    Section 9 - Cost/Benefit Analysis

    • Purpose of the Cost/Benefit Analysis Section

    • Quantitative Analysis – Financial Cost & Benefit

    • Qualitative Analysis – Non-Financial Benefits & Costs

    • Assumptions

    • Checklist for Cost/Benefit Analysis Section

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    Section 10 - Conclusions & Recommendations

    • Purpose of the Conclusion & Recommendation Section

    • Conclusions

    • Recommendations

    • Project Responsibility

    • Project Accountability

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    Section 11 - Implementation Strategy

    • Purpose of the Implementation Strategy Section:

    • Description

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    Section 12 - Review & Approval Process

    • Purpose of the Review & Approval Process Section

    • Review Process

    • Approval Process

    • Business Case Sign off

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    Next Steps...

    • Congrats! You are Done